New Online Gaming Trends: Online Pokies vs Poker

Pokies and poker may seem like the same game based on the similarities in name. But, these casino games are worlds apart. However, they are both the most played games when it comes top online casino gaming. The difference is that pokies have a different purpose than poker. This makes them two completely separate games. It also gives you an idea of what to expect from each one when playing at your favorite casino site. We explain why you should play pokies over poker here.

What Is A Pokie?

A pokie machine simply refers to a slot machine or video poker machine. There is no “poker” part involved because the game does not involve any skill. You sit down and pull the lever to spin the reels as fast as possible. Then, once all the symbols have been displayed, you choose your bet amount and bet on which symbol will come up first. If you win, then good for you! On the other hand, if you lose, you can try again later.

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Why Play Pokies Over Poker?

There are several reasons why you would want to play pokies instead of poker. For one thing, the payout odds are better with pokies. According to many online casinos around the world, the average return rate for pokers is approximately 70 per cent. In contrast, the average payouts for pokies range between 95 per cent and 98 per cent.

If the payout percentage sounds too good to be true, it is. These figures are misleading because the average size of the jackpots in pokies machines is much higher than in poker tables. So, this means that you will actually see a better return on your investment in terms of cash. It is still important to understand that some pokies machines do offer free spins. This is where you get the chance to gamble without contributing an actual money stake into the pot.

Why Play Poker Instead Of Pokies?

If there was only one reason to avoid playing poker and opting for pokies, that would be enough. However, you should play pokie slots over poker due to the fact that the chances of winning at a poker table are considerably lower. Unlike slot machines, poker cannot guarantee wins. Although slot machines allow you to make back some of your initial wagers, this is definitely not the case with poker.

How To Bet On Pokies At An Online Casino?

You need to visit an online website that offers both pokies and poker so you can pick which one you want to use your money on. Some people mistakenly think that they can play both types of games on their smartphones. Although that is technically possible, it is not recommended. The main problem with smartphones is that they lack the processing power necessary to play these types of games quickly and efficiently.

Placing Bets at Online Pokies Sites

The next step is finding out about how to place bets at online pokies sites. When you go to look for available options, you will note that you can either select American or European style betting options. Most players prefer the European format since it allows you to bet more per line than the American format. You can also opt to include a side bet. This type of bet comes from the casino rather than the player. The two most popular variants of side bets are the Big Win bonus bet and Free Spins Bonus bet. The former pays off when the total bet comes to $10 million.

 Meanwhile, the latter gives you a reward if your final score exceeds the number of your selected lines. The side bet market is the fastest growing area in the entire casino industry right now. And, if you take advantage of free bonuses offered by online gaming websites, you could quickly gain access to these large sums of money without ever having to deposit anything real.

Is Playing Online Poker Safe?

Yes, it is safe to play in internet poker rooms. They are monitored by government agencies like eCOGRA and self-regulatory bodies like MPA. As long as you follow certain rules and regulations, you will have nothing to worry about. The truth is, most online poker rooms don’t give away any information about you. This includes your name and address. Even your credit card details are secure unless they detect fraudulent activity. What they do collect are the following: Your age, gender, location, level of experience, and the amount you intend to spend.

This data is used to decide whether they approve you for an account. If they find something suspicious, then they may ask you for further identification. Once you provide everything honestly, you will no longer be under suspicion. Many reputable online gambling sites even require verified email addresses. This is done to ensure that players who do happen to receive spam emails are identified properly. After that, you can go ahead and start winning real money from gambling.